Rózsa Fehér
Rózsa Fehér was born in 1967 in Becse/Bečej (in Vojvodina, former federal Yugoslavia). She graduated from the Teachers College in Novi Sad. As a paid intern, still studying at the Department of Hungarian Language and Literature of the Humanities School of the University of Novi Sad, she started working on the news staff of the daily Magyar Szó. She worked in the metro section, the culture section, and edited the Tarka Világ (Colorful World) weekend supplement.
In 1993, she obtained a fellowship visiting several daily newspapers in Budapest, but then she temporarily abandoned journalism and worked for several multinational companies in marketing, event organization, and international supply chains.
In 2010, she returned to her city of birth and continued as a regional correspondent for Magyar Szó from Óbecse/Bečej and Törökbecse/Novi Bečej.
In October 2021, she resigned from Magyar Szó to join the editorial staff of the news site Szabad Magyar Szó (Free Hungarian Word) and the weekly magazine Családi Kör (Family Circle).
She is also a contributor at Pannon Radio and Television, at the biweekly Bečejski dani (Days of Bečej, in Serbian), and the news site Moj Bečej (My Bečej, in Serbian). From time to time, she also writes for several papers in Hungary.